The Online University Where
Leaders Learn From Each Other.

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Join our community of leaders, dreamers and doers who love learning!  You'll get access to free learning steps from premium courses and members only learning opportunities inside our cutting-edge learning environment.

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12 Reasons Busy Professionals LOVE 
Our Online Campus

As a professional, you have the freedom to customize your curriculum, as you continue your life-long learning journey. To honor your time invested with us, we have a number of unique platform features and course-development practices.  Confidently get the most out of any course you take inside Top Talent Academy!

1.  By Experts For Experts

Understanding the intense challenges, ROI demands, and time constraints of our audience gives our team and our students a serious competitive advantage. We leverage that to launch better and adapt fast, ourselves!

2.  Self-Paced  -  24/7 Access

Life happens fast, and schedules change, we get it. Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours a day to be inspired, Top Talent online campus is at your fingertips at any time. Welcome to learning on your schedule.

3. Streaming and Downloadable

Where possible, we make downloadable versions / additional supplements available at each learning step, so you can keep learning even when life takes you to places the internet doesn't go.

4. Mobile Friendly

From any device, any browser, your coursework is easily accessible and a joy to engage with. No need to download apps or software. Simply login and go to your course to pick up where you left off.

5. Resume Learning

Our courses guide you step-by-step so you can pick up where you left off, even when switching devices. Watch a video from your desktop at home, continue it from your mobile while getting ready, then listen to the audio while driving! Leaders will find a way to learn, no matter what, that doesn't mean we cant make it easy for them.

6. All Learning Styles

Do you learn best from reading, listening, watching, or doing? With our innovative -results driven- approach, that doesn't matter, because we provide options for and engage ALL learning styles. In fact, by incorporating multiple senses we can engage your brain and your natural creative -learning- ability, increasing return on investment.  

"I love being able to see my learners progress and get their feedback as they go through each lesson!  Feedback is invaluable to me and my clients."

-David T Fagan, Course Leader

7. Interactive Video Player

Not all videos are interactive; however, when engaged on a learning step, you will notice a Table of Contents for the video so you can easily navigate to the different sections. You may also notice questions, tips, even additional resources that overlay or -in some cases- stop the video and won't let you progress until you answer correctly!

8. Interactive Course Reader

Nearly every text-based learning step inside your course will be interactive; meaning you can highlight any word or section different colors, add a star to highlight, even write notes on top of the text! This enhances your immediate reading experience and understanding, as well as helps you recall, as you review your previous steps.  

9. Private Learning Journal

Every bit of text you highlight, and every note you make using the interactive course reader will be saved in your own private learning journal! This makes the process of making a note to implement something or simply remember something important, infinitely easier. Review and edit your learning journal at any time with just a few clicks! 

10. Exercises & Self-Assessments

Most learning steps include exercises for you to utilize and put principles to work in your life. Additionally, automatically graded self-assessments highlight the most important aspects of that learning step; helping you track your understanding before moving on. Remember, courses are self-paced; we encourage measured application of information over plain consumption.

11. Earned Opportunities

You may be self-motivated, but we'd still love to incentivize you to LEARN more and DO more! By completing and submitting questions and feedback on your learning steps inside the campus, you earn exclusive opportunities. Opportunities like free live training, Q&A's, exclusive events, discounts, early-access to upcoming courses and more.  

12. Certificate of Completion

Every learning step must be completed before moving on to the next. Our online campus tracks your progress, and with your satisfactory completion of each step, including the automatically graded self-assessments, we will award you a -well deserved- Certificate of Completion you will be proud to print and display.

"My learners and I both love the interactive features. It's given me the chance to think about my course material in a new way, and given them the chance to learn more from what I have to share"

-Isabel Donadio, Course Leader

 See Our Interactive Video Player in a FREE COURSE: Icon Genius

Become a free community member of Gold Light University with just a couple clicks and get instant access to free courses and lessons, with no obligation or credit card required!  Use promo code #ICONGENIUS to enjoy !GET THE FIRST LESSON -BEFORE THE COURSE LAUNCHES +  GET FREE LIVE Q&A WORKSHOP

Featured Courses

Identify yourself with the future of Learning & Leadership

Our learning environment as innovative as our experts, delivering real educational & business value.

Frequently asked questions

1. Is membership free?

Yes! There is no fee to become a member of the Gold Light University community. Members get access to any free steps available on our courses. Members also get invitations to exclusive training events, early-access to upcoming courses, and more.

2. Do I have to download anything?

No, there is nothing you need to download or any special software or browser you need in order to utilize our online campus. Note: Some learning steps have course materials with file downloads, for your convenience and benefit.

3. Can I access everything from my mobile phone or do I have to use a computer?

Everything is available to you on any any device, any time, any where you have internet.

4. Do I have a limited amount of time to finish or access the course?

Unless otherwise noted, you have lifelong access to any course you purchase and you can take as much time as you need to complete each step. In some cases, there are time sensitive materials and we also want to empower our course leaders to provide additional limited time bonuses that make sense. In these cases it will be made very clear which elements are time-sensitive, so you don't miss a thing!

5. What if I'm more of a listener than a reader? or what if I learn by watching instead of reading or listening?

We completely understand! Which is why, in many cases, we provide text, audio, and video versions of the course training material. This way you can engage whichever learning method is best for you, and at that time. You may not be much of a listener, but we encourage you to go ahead and listen to a lesson you just read, perhaps while driving or doing something else. This gives your brain multiple ways to reflect on the information; increasing absorption, creativity, and application of the information. The more senses you engage, the better!

6. What's the value of the interactive videos?

There are a number of values to using interactive videos. First is the ability to add a table of contents, making it easy for you to browse around and go to the points of interest that matter most to you. Second is the ability for course leaders to ask questions of the viewers at key points to the video. Keeping you engaged, your mind attentive, and ensuring you understand the key concepts before moving on. Third is the ability for course leaders to provide contextually relevant insights and other resources. With this one feature we empower our course leaders to turn their videos into life-changing lesson and empower our students to learn more with less effort and time!

7. How do I access the interactive course reader?

Simply select a learning step inside your course that is text based! The interactive reader is built in to the platform.

8. How does the learning journal work?

Any time you highlight a bit of text or make a note in the interactive course reader, that information gets compiled in your learning journal. Your learning journal will contain highlights and notes from all courses you have enrolled in, acting as a centralized resource for all the things that matter most, your active assignments, and personal notes. Access your learning journal at any time using the main upper left navigation button, once logged in.

9. How do assessments work?

Self-Assessment are either automatically graded, or simply provide feedback to your responses, to help you stay on track. Most assessments can be retaken and you can view the results, as well. This allows you (and your course leader) to know exactly what areas you're excelling at and what areas you can use more help with. 

10. How do I get my questions answered?

If you have questions regarding the platform, please contact our customer support, we'd be glad to help.
If you have questions regarding your course material, nearly every lesson includes a Questions and Feedback learning step. This is your chance to ask questions of us and the author. Depending on the course you will either be given access to Q&A training sessions where the top questions are answered or you will earn access to these trainings, by completing learning steps. This is an effective way of ensuring your learning needs are met, our curriculum is always up-tp-date, and allows our course leaders to stay focused on their business or area of expertise.

11. Do I get a certificate of completion?

Yes! After completing all required learning steps and assessments for a course you will be awarded a printable Certificate of Completion. Please look at the course curriculum to understand the requirements each course has, to receive your certificate.

12. Can I have my own course hosted by Gold Light University ?

Are you an expert or icon in your industry? Do you have powerful insights to share? Do you love the idea of your words creating a bigger impact in more people lives than they currently are? Do you have -or want to have- a best-selling book? Gold Light University is dedicated to helping leaders learn from other leaders, creating a community and culture of growth and professional level personal development! If that appeals to you, get in touch and let's discuss.

No matter where you’re from or who you are, we welcome you with open arms.

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